Monday, March 16, 2009

War through Recession.

Lets face it. The primary reason why the the United States has emerged as a supper power is because it was the victor in WWI and WWII. The primary reason why it benefited so much is because it fought the wars on distant shores. Fighting wars on other peoples land is key to not destroying your own land. That much is hard to argue with.

I have long viewed the Korean War, the Vietnam war and the Russian war in Afghanistan as part of the same conflict that started in Berlin at the end of WWII. Both the US and USSR made the wise assessment that rather then risk direct conflict is would be better to wear each other down by financing anyone that was willing to fight on their behalf. The Russians and Chinese financed Koreans. When the Korean conflict came to a stalemate, it moved to Vietnam. When Vietnam conflict came to a stalemate, it moved to Afghanistan where USSR was finally worn down. Worn down but not destroyed.

With that in mind when you see conflicts around the world today you have to ask yourself who is working on behalf of which power. The main players in the world today are the US, Russia and China. The European Union is a junior player too and nothing more then a front for a German/French alliance. The Germans have used cunning to try to move back up the ladder. They can't raise their own armies because of the US presence in their land so they are trying to manipulate other European members to do their bidding by financing them. I see the Iraq war as a play to drive a wedge between France/Germany and the other European Union members. The US was successfully able to buy off the other EU members and drive a "wedge" in the Union. This wedge prevented the EU form agreeing to a constitution. The introduction of England into the EU and attempts to get Turkey in too have have acted as destabilizing forces in the EU in favor of closer ties to the US.

So we have four powers all struggling for power. The US, Russia, China, and the EU. For the moment as Russia flexes its muscles the EU has largely returned its support to the US. Russia and China seem independent of each other.

It is a safe bet to say that any conflicts around the world that involve smaller nations, directly tie back to this conflict between the main powers. We say we are fighting terrorists in Iraq and Afghanistan, but what do you suppose would happen if all the terrorists in these two countries were killed? Russia and China would finance a new bread of terrorists somewhere else. This is not unlike the financing and support that the US is giving to some of the ex-USSR breakaway states. These are our people working against the Russians. Same goes with India, Pakistan and Tibet on China's boarder. These are our potential terrorist to China.

So what do we do now. Do we still need troops in Afghanistan and Iraq through a recession. Well that is sort of like asking do we still need police in LA and NYC though a recession. So what if you live in the suburbs? If you don't fight those gangs in the inner cities, eventually they will get to your suburbs. There are people paid world wide to make trouble for the US. These people have a job to do and will do it. The question is if they will do it in some far away place or if they will do it inside the US borders. I believe that the US is practicing a very wise policy of keeping as many conflicts as possible outside of its boarders.

What about all the US soldiers that are dieing? What about all the cops that are dying every month in NYC, Detroit, LA. Its a dirty job but someone has to do it. These are the people best trained and equipped to do the job.

Where does this fit into Recession Economics. You just have to suck it up and pay the bill. Unless you support cutting back on cops and firemen, it makes no sense to be cutting back on worldwide security either.

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